Fourteen Months Fifteen Months

(Please click on the images to enlarge.)
Alex on his tummy in the boppy. (87kb) Alex in the boppy (85kb) Alex. (101kb)
Alex with Leslie Staller in the stroller his Santa Fe friends gave him at the shower. (128kb) Alex in his stroller. (111kb) Napping with Cammie. (95kb)
Alex. (57kb) Alex. (63kb) Alex in the lion swing his Santa Fe friends gave him. (107kb)
Alex. (95kb) Alex and Cyndi at Chris' softball game. (90kb) Chris and Alex at the softball field. (108kb)
Softball game. (99kb) Alex and Grandmama in Durango. (87kb) Floppy tie-dyed hat from Aunt Nonabah. (72kb)
Alex. (56kb) Alex petting Cammie. (and Cammie petting Alex.) (130kb) Cuddling with the lamb from Aunt Tanya. (77kb)
Teething with Tigger. (60kb) Nana and Alex on the rocking lion Aunt Leslie and Uncle Brad sent from South Africa. (64kb) Alex and the rocking lion. (67kb)
Nana, Uncle Brad and Alex at lunch. (89kb) Alex and his baseball rattle. (97kb) Alex and Sprinkles, a gift from our friend Liz. (76kb)
Alex and the white lion. (79kb) White lion. (68kb)  

Fourteen Months Fifteen Months